by Diane Cancilla.........................................


Oh Gzowski! I knew this day would come eventually. I tried to plan for it emotionally. I am SO heartbroken...

When I rescued you eleven years ago, the name you had was "Shekhina." I had you in my dreams before we met...you were the one for me...the quiet sad dog at the shelter.
I soon changed your name to "Gzowski" after the late Peter Gzowski, a wonderful Canadian radio host who could speak to a homeless person or the Queen of England with equal respect and loving compassion. Like you...the dog who welcomed and loved everybody unconditionally.

You were such a wonderful dog my girl! I could NEVER have asked for a more loyal, protective friend. We went for so many hikes...and I can see you now , clearly, waiting for me, making sure I was not out of sight.You loved your swims and car rides...you loved to chase the geese and squirrels. You filled my life with joy and I was so glad you got to have a couple years of more full-time attention after my "retirement."

The house here echoes without your presence Gzowski. I don't feel like going for a run or a walk. I don't even feel like going outside or talking to anybody. All I seem to do is cry....remembering you and your loving gentle eyes.

This last year, your body became lumpy and your grey hairs coloured your gorgeous face. You were on all kinds of meds and supplements for your sore joints and it made me so sad to see you lie down when we'd go for walks. I knew your spirit wanted to go but it was just too painful. Your panting really worried me and when we had all the tests done at the vets I knew your time with me was ending. I could not tolerate seeing you suffer or be uncomfortable.

When Dr.Kathy came to our house you got up and greeted her...then you panicked. You knew. This was the very hardest part for me my girl. Witnessing your loving and trusting eyes as the light went out of them and your body relinquishing to the effects of the drugs to help you cross over. I felt I had betrayed you...but in my heart I know differently or at least I try to convince myself of this.

It is a hard thing indeed Gzowski...to say "good-bye" and accept that you are now gone from my earthly life. Your ashes will someday be disbursed with mine and my golden dog "Che" your predecessor.
You wrapped your love around my heart and I will love and remember you FOREVER. I pray there is a "rainbow bridge" and you are there now...running pain-free, like the pup I rescued over a decade ago.
As I always told you "Gzowski you "were" the BEST of all the dogs!!!"

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Diane Cancilla

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