Abandoned in a box, I found you with your six brothers and sisters on the Vet's back porch. Barely 6 weeks old, the others played and you quietly sat in the corner. The drive home you sat on my lap, I stroked your cotton fur and before we were home you stole my heart.
For fifteen years we shared adventures filled with an unmeasured amount of love and companionship. Your first trail ride was in a saddle bag on Cy's back. At Age 2, you took your first flight over the ocean to Germany. There, with Oma, we took daily walks through the countryside. You were especially fond of Oma; she loved you dearly and always had something good to eat. We spent a vacation in Chimsee where you took the boat tour and charmed everyone along the way. You climbed to the top of a mountain with Daddy and me; we saw cities miles away.
Back home, we found Annie roaming the streets; it was your charm that brought her in from street's harm. Once in our home, you both grew very close and were never apart. Your playful games of tag always warmed my heart.
As we built our dream farm, you supervised each step from the pasture fence to the stalls in the barn. The day the horses arrived at their new home, you welcomed them proudly and showed them where they would roam.
When Meadow was found, a babe abandoned in the barn, you made it perfectly clear who was the boss of this farm. With that understood you accepted her that day and spent the next three years, raising her into the fine young lass she is today.
In your golden years as you slowed down, the Girls took over in keeping our home safe and sound. In your last hours, our hearts filled with sorrow, we were reminded our lives on Earth are merely borrowed.
You are once again strong and young; from Heaven above you watch over us. Warm sunshine and gentle breezes are your remembrance. We'll meet again someday at the Rainbow Bridge. It is there we will cross over together and never be parted again.
Your memory and our lives spent together will forever be cherished and you will always be forever in our hearts.