They're in Heaven, I Have God's Word For It!
by Dianne Brunt.........................................
I lost a wonderful little dog in a very tragic accident recently. What has given me the most comfort, is a vision I had many years ago that I would like to share with others who also have experienced this kind of loss.
I'm a Christian and have received several spiritual gifts from the Holy Spirit. If you're not a Christian don't stop here, please. The two most interesting and helpful have been the gifts of knowledge and comfort.
When I pray alone or with others, God almost always sends me a word of knowledge and/or comfort for them. Often it is in the form of a vision; a picture of what I or that person needs to know. Several times when I've prayed with someone, that picture has meant absolutely nothing to me, but has had a strong meaning for that person i.e. they know what it means, even though I don't have a clue. This is why I know that my visions really come from God, and not my imagination. It has ALWAYS been a message that they have needed to hear. Sometimes it's an answer to a question, sometimes it's just a word or picture that comforts.

This is what I saw when I asked God in a prayer many years ago, "God, are my much loved pets in Heaven."

Suddenly I was standing in a beautiful meadow, with lush grass and beautiful flowers every where. A little way off were woods with mountains in the distance, picture the the Tetons. Sitting a few feet in front of me looking at me were my basset Pooky, my min. Dach. Dodger, and chasing butterflies was my little cat PJs. I called to them, but they just sat and looked at me. The pups were wagging their tails, and if animals can smile, I swear, they we're all grinning. Then they all ran off to play. I asked Him why I hadn't seen my other much loved basset?(* See why he was given away.) What God said next blew me away. "Oh Fang, he's waiting in his special place for his little boy. I just broke down, right then and there, and cried; alright, I howled. I have kept the picture of that wonderful place, and those words in my heart ever since.
Knowing for sure that our loved furbabies are with us always, made it a little easier when I lost my little girl this month.
Silky was my constant companion and comforter especially in these last few months; which is a whole other story. Her loss in the midist of multiple other tradgies has been amost unbearable, but knowing she is having awonderful time with my other furries, while she's waiting for me to come get her, has been a real comfort. He who cares about the smallest sparrow, must love our special little furpeople even more. He alwasy has a purpose for our lives, and all the things that happen to us along the way. I don't believe he causes bad things to happen to us. But, I can't help but think, and hope, that he can use the rotten things that happen to us for a better purpose.
Till we all meet at the rainbow bridge.
**Fang had been given to a family with several small children, who lived on a ranch when he was five, because we had to move to a tiny mobile home for a year. While Pooky was strictly a couch hound, he was definitely an outside dog; he dug a hole outside to sleep in; even though we had a doggie door and they could sleep in the bedroom with us. Anyway, they knew and loved him, and said if they took him they wouldn't be giving him back. Needless to say rather than give him to strangers, he went to the ranch.)

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Dianne Brunt
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