The Swallow
by Don Fischer.........................................
The Swallow,
Flutters on unseen breezes
Prepared by ocean waves,
Gracefully He soars in the evening light,
With azure blue glinting from his wings,
And the fluorescense
Radiating from every feather
As each feels the forces,
Lifting Him into the Heavens.

Where will he rendezvous this night,
You ask,
This stary night
Of glowing orchid hues,
Never mind,
The stars will prepare His path
Into distant journeys,
And forever guide His flights,
Into the unknown.

But what of His loneliness,
Can there be loneliness
In this most elegant creation,
When God marks the sparrow's fall,
How can there be loneliness
In this creature from Heaven,
For God calls Him onward,
And He guides His path
Throughout the universe.

When His wings lie still,
And decay persists,
Destinations lost to His memories
Will endure forever,
For He was born in God's presence
And He will never be forgotten,
By God's Angels,
Nor by God!

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Don Fischer
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