by Donovan Snell
You are irreplaceable

I’ll never forget the day, the sixteenth of October
My hand on your paw and your head on my arm
The day you left this world
And no longer had to worry about any harm

I know it’s what is best for you
But I can’t seem to not reminisce
About when you were so strong and fast
And a tennis ball, you’d never miss

But even when your body weakened
Your heart and soul still had so much love
Your kindness and determination
Until the end is something I’m so proud of

And now this big house feels so lonely
With so many empty rooms
Without the scratching sound of your nails
Or all the barking before you consumed

Your lunch every day, how I miss the little things
How I miss your goofy smile that made me laugh
How I miss your wagging tail at the door after school
How I miss everything you did, you’re like my other half

Every Thanksgiving you sat underneath the table
And every Christmas, beneath the tree
Every Halloween, you loved my costume
And on Easter, you filled everyone with glee

I cherish every second we spent together
Running, playing, and splashing in the river
But just like the river, we must flow
And you must flow on and be delivered

To a place that I know is much better than here
The Earth, where we were best friends for fourteen years
It seems so, so far away now
But in my heart, you are so near

Because one day we’ll meet again at the rainbow bridge
When will that be? I haven’t got a clue
But until then, just remember that another dog
Will never replace you

You are irreplaceable
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