Her doctor examined her and said "there is a small lump on the left sibe of her leg." Keep Katie comfortable and come back on Friday" As he explained to me that he will need a half a day to do some tests as well as X-rays. That was a long week. Finally Friday came and off to the doctor.I was told to come back at 2:30pm.
I walked into the animal hospital thinking that Katie girl would be alright.Dr.Ross asked me to come into the examining room.Suddenly I had a lump in my throat and I began to worry.Dr.Ross told me he wanted me to see Katie's x-ray. The room began to get dark with a light from the x-ray machine. Dr.Ross showed me Katie's leg and said do you see a white feathery image? I said yes. This is were the cancer is in her leg. My mind went numb and I couldn't forcus on what he was telling me. DR.Ross are you telling me that katie has cancer? He replied with yes bone cancer.my tears came running down my face. All I could do is sob and wonder why? I did get composed and asked the question How long do I have with her? Again he replied maybe two months.Try to keep her comfortable with this Medcam. Thats what I did.
It was two weeks to the day when Katie was diagnose with cancer.I phone the animal hospital and had a talk with the vet.tech. I told Katie's progess.You will know when the time is right. I told her I did'nt want her to suffer. Then the time has come to say goodbye. The next day Mom,Pat and me took my little angel from heaven home.It was 11:38am.when my we all said our final good byes.It was Friday,13th. A part of me died that day too.
I went into mourning that day.I just want to be by myself and all of the memories of my little angel heaven.It was a few days when I went out for a walk and brought my camera.For what reason I don't know.My mind wasn't on the walk until I saw a favorite spot where Katie love to walk. It was the park by where we lived. I took a couple of pictures that day.Not really knowing why.Until I looked at them.
I couldn't believe my eyes.On the thrid picture I saw an orb.(An Angel)She was surrounded by colors of blues and purple ora.A few minutes later I notice an inprint of a dog.I saw the outline of her
ears,nose and mouth.It was my precious gift from God. I believe that my angel girl telling me she is home to Rainbow Bridge. I got down on my knees to say a prayer to God of thanks.From that day on I knew Katie would be all right.I felt at peace with my choice I made for Katie. When I look up at the stars at night I know that I'm not alone. I will always have the lord and Katie with me.That's faith!
I got my picture enlarge. Now I display the print on my wall so I can feel close to my beloved Katie. You are truely A little Angel from Heaven.You loved me unconditional and trusted me with your life. Until I meet you at Rainbow Bridge and walk a cross together.
I love you with all of my heart.
Mommy x.o. x.o.