My Little Dandelion a Gift from God
by Elaine Cliotis.........................................
A little black kitty walked into my life.
I found her in a pet store; she was so full of life!
She was the bravest black kitten of that little litter.
She was ready to swat anything that would skitter.

I took her home in a cardboard box.
She kept trying to get out, oh what a fox!
I would laugh at her antics with such glee.
She was truly the joy I knew she would be!

I released her to her freedom in her new home.
She proceeded to explore and also to roam.
She got into everything and anything that she would find.
She was a joy to watch over and occupy my mind.

I could not change my sheets on my bed,
Without her inquisitive little black head,
Exploring the covers wondering what was underneath?
She did not want to miss the challenge beneath.

I would chase her away or my bed would remain,
In a state of disarray with absolutely nothing to gain!
She would not let me finish my chore,
The battle would go on; she was never a bore!

She brought me another little Friend,
A son was born to her whom God did send.
He is a precious Friend in such a little being!
She was truly an amazing little black thing.

God puts little things in our lives to remind us,
Of the sacrifice He gave in giving His son to us.
They are a blessing to behold, a story unfolding,
They are a joy within our lives, a part of our molding.

The Fallen Angel came along to take Dandelion away!
My heart is breaking; I almost do not know what to say.
The only comfort I have is in the gift of a Son!
A reminder of Jesus who is the only One!

Jesus died on the cross to take on our sins!
He gives us Life Everlasting, He always wins!
The power of Death; it has no sting!
Because of the Birth of Jesus our King!
I will always remember my precious black kitten
Every time I change my sheets, Dandelion will be written!
She will be there to greet me when my time nears,
And I face my Lord and Savior before the Throne with my tears.

My tears will be one of joy and not one of sadness;
I will run with my black kitten with great joy and with gladness!
The Kingdom before me forever to explore,
Because I listened to that knock upon my door!

It was Jesus Christ who wanted to bless me,
With all the good things His sacrifice would be,
Life Everlasting what more could I ask of Him?
My friends who went before me standing with Him,

Even my little friends will be there ready to greet me.
He wants me to be happy in the Kingdom He made for you and me.
The time on this Earth is but a wink of an eye!
Accept Him as your Savior and be able to fly high!

The Joy you will face is completely beyond measure!
We cannot imagine what a wonderful treasure,
Heaven will become our new home forever,
A Life Jesus will give us is the most precious treasure!

We will keep all our friends, only more friends to gain
A Life Everlasting filled with joy to maintain
Forever and ever we will explore the terrain,
The Fallen Angel has lost again, and again!

In Christ Always!

Elaine Cliotis

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Elaine Cliotis
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