Our Best Buddy Thunder
by Erica Anderson.........................................
On October 13, 2010 we had to let you go and it was the hardest day of our lives, but the decision was the best one for you not for us.
On October 11,10 we found that our best buddy Thunder's stomach was sticking out and hard to our touch. Not a usual thing. October 12,10 we called the vet to tell them what was going on with Thunder, of course they wanted us to bring him in to be checked. That afternoon we brought him in, the vet felt him in the abdominal area to find something wasn't right, so he was taken for an x-ray, only for the vet to come out and tell us it wasn't good. We were hoping for something simple to be wrong but it certainly wasn't. He had a huge tumor in there and the vet told us that most likely it is cancerous. We were in shock of course. Just couldn't believe this was happening. We were going to take him home that Tuesday night to spend the time with him. We had an appointment with the specialist for an ultrasound on Wed. My husband did not want to do that to him because he felt that the tumor in him was enough to know that he wasn't going to make it through this. I wanted it done because I wanted to know if there was anything we could do to save him. Of course being in shock because of the findings, I wasn't listening to what the vet was telling us about the most likely outcome for him. He said that he sees 60-80 cases like this a year and only about 3-4 dogs survive this and they are the small dogs. Thunder was no small dog, he was a 135lb. black lab. My husband knew that we couldn't put him through anything else. We took him home that Tuesday to spend the time we had left with him. My husband sat with him all night until they both went to bed. I finally went in there with them. At 1:30 AM that Wednesday morning, I woke up crying and went outside to get some air, only to find Thunder was at the door wanting to come outside. He had to go potty and he did. When we went inside, he jumped on the couch and I sat next to him petting him until 5 AM. The both of us couldn't sleep so we just stayed on the couch with him. I think I was concerned because the vet told us that we needed to watch him gums in case the tumor ruptured. He told us that his gums would turn white if he was bleeding internally. Wednesday October 13,10 came by and we saw Thunder's beautiful face and he looked like he had gotten worse just overnight and sure enough he did. His facial features were different, telling us that whatever this tumor was, it was taking him over. He also had a look on his face like he knew he was sick and it was his time. His eyes told us that. That morning we gave him roast beef for breakfast. He gobbled it all up and loved it. He was a dog that always got table food anyway and loved it, so we gave him what he wanted. He still had so much life in him or at least he still acted that way. We had decided that morning to cancel the ultrasound and take him in to put him at peace. So that is what we did. Before that Monday the 11th we had no sign of him being sick. At least none of the signs that the vet described to us.
Thunder, we want you to know that if there was anything we could have done to save you, we certainly would of. I know that you know that. We loved you so much and we know you knew that.
We know we gave you the best life and you gave us the best life as well.
We will forever miss you and forever love you,
Mommy, Daddy and Dylan

You are one of a kind and will never be forgotten.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Erica Anderson
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