by Georgia .........................................
I volunteered at a no kill shelter mainly brushing and socializing. Emily II was born at the shelter in 1997, been adopted out 3 times and returned all 3 times. I rarely saw Emmy as it was her "MO" to hide under furniture, blankets, etc. Being drawn to those most in need, I sat with Emily II week after week just at first gently talking to her while she hid under her blanket. Little by little she would let me touch her but only briefly before she'd nip to say "that's enough". She had long black fur and would get so stressed at times her fur would fall out and she would have bald patches on her tummy and legs. As time went on we bonded more and in December 2002 the shelter staff determined Emily II was unadoptable and talked of putting her down. I stepped in and said I would take her home which I did. I had enough room at my house to let Emily II have her own room where she had a bed, large window, toys, etc. but she stayed under the bed a lot. I sat with her every night and brushed her; she drooled when she purred. This past Labor Day weekend (2011) Emily II became very listless and wouldn't eat. A trip to the ER Clinic showed she had stones in her bladder & kidney as well as 1 lung filled with fluid. Rather than add to her stress by keeping her there, she was sent home with medicine and special food. The next day I took her back thinking she had actually gotten worse, but the doctor said she had improved so back home we went. After spoon feeding Emily 11 for a month along with giving her medicine, vitamins, etc. her poor body just gave out and she passed away at home 10/5 with me at her side. I'd like to believe I gave her a good life even though she never outgrew being so scared. I think she did know that I truly loved her. I will truly miss my little monkey girl (as I liked to call her). And why the "II" after her name? I already had an Emily at home and since Emily II was 5 years old I didn't want to change her name. Besides my little monkey girl I also called her Mew-2. No matter what name, I will miss my baby girl and given the chance to do it all over again you bet I would. Many times it is these "special cases" that can be the most rewarding. Many times, it is just this type of animal I am drawn to.