by Gillian Castle.........................................
The poem I am about to share with you, I wrote in 1999, a few months after Bobby came to us.Before I type it here, I would first like to first share with you, how we came to be so fortunate to have Bobby, a 13 years old Springer Spanial in our lives for the short time that we did. In 1999, an elderly lady that we knew passed away, ( I wont use the lady's real name, instead I'll refer to her as "Melody" ) Melody was devoted to Bobby and likewise Bobby was devoted to Melody, they went everywhere together, Bobby was a loving, loyal friend. In fact, when Melody had to move from the house she was living in, she was told that she couldn't take her beloved dog with her to her new place, the local authority told Melody that she would have to find a new home for Bobby. Melody loved Bobby so much that she refused to do this, instead telling them that she would rather live in a tent in a field than to part from her beloved Bobby. When the local Authority realised that Melody was being very serious about this, they decided to make an exception to the rule and allowed Melody to take Bobby with her, on condition that if anything happened to Bobby, she would not get another dog, they lived together happily in their new apartment, we would sometimes see Melody out walking Bobby along our local hiking trail, we would stop and chat with Melody and Bobby. In 1999, a family member of Melody contacted us to tell us that Melody had sadly passed away and that Bobby was grieving badly for Melody, they said that none of their family was able to care for Bobby and that he would have to be put down, Melody had requested that if no one would take care of Bobby that he would have to be put down and placed inside the coffin with her. I asked the family if they would please allow me to look after Bobby for Melody, they agreed and felt relieved as they didn't want to have to put Bobby down.
Bobby was extremely sad when he came to us, after a while he he became less so, however, at times, I could see that he was clearly thinking of Melody and missing her so very much , I kept his original blanket that Melody had given to him and would sit and speak with him, telling him that I was taking care of him for Melody and that he would see her again one day. In 2001, Bobby became very ill, I took him to see our Vet and we were told that Bobby had kidney failure , Bobby passed away in 2001 we felt devastated , in the short time that we had Bobby with us, he had become part of our family, he was a wonderful loving friend to us all. Here then, is my poem which I wrote to Bobby whilst he was with us, he had started to enjoy life a bit more at that time , it was the first time Bobby had ever walked across the beach.
Bobby Dog;
With wide awake eyes, so big and so bright, he looks with wonder at the sights and sounds around him, Sea and sand stretching as far as the eye can see;
Looking with such intake to his soul, touching mine, I feel his wonderment and thirst for life, looking up at me, eyes alive meeting mine, giving thanks and appreciation for all the things he can can see, hear, feel, smell and taste!;
Running now, ears flapping with each movement of his body, tongue hanging from his wide-open mouth, nose wet and so alert, tail wagging;
Running, sniffing smells on the Sea-air, pausing,stopping,drinking in his surroundings, so glorious;
This dear, sweet, noble creature with such joy in his heart for all creation, for such grace as is seldom seen in one such as he;
Pure thought, pure love, pure heart and soul ~ little one my heart wells up with love for you.
Written in 1999