My Sandy
by Gloria Rose.........................................
Sandy has been at the Rainbow Bridge for several years now. I still miss her very much. I picked her out when she was 1 week old and she lived with me until she was nearly 15 years. She had been sick for some time and on medication for congestive heart failure. the medicine destroyed her liver and she was in so much pain I had to have her put down. I was there with her when she passed and it was the most peaceful passing I had ever witnessed. My heart was broken and empty for a very long time.
When my children were young they would tell me that I loved Sandy more than them. I would say "all she wants is for me to love her. She doesn't ask for money, to go places or fuss at me, why shouldn't I love her only to feed, water and spend time with her and laugh." Sandy was part of my family and went everwhere with me. She never bite or even tired to bit anyone. She was a very pleasant, happy dog.
My children are all grown up now and have children of their own. They each have pets of their own. I have gotten a Golden Retriver puppy and she is beginning to fill the large hole in my heart that Sandy left with her passing. Gracie will never take the place of Sandy but Gracie is helping my heart to heal. Gracie also is helping me to stay healthy by insisting on walking and exercising with me.
I look forward to the day I see Sandy again and can run and play with her. I love you Sandy and miss you soooo much.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Gloria Rose
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