My Grass spider
by Hannah
His name was Spooda
Im not good at doing names
This story does not rime
But yes I had this grass spider, he lived on the porch. I had him for lets say 9 months? I loved him. I fed him and gave him water. He was happy and so was I!
But then one day, I went outside to go and give him some food and water. And I had found Spooda dead. Lying on the porch. Lifeless. It made me cry. I didn't want my spider to have gone so soon. He was small. Like a baby spider. Id only had him for 9 months. And he had died. Im still sad about it. A week later. Because I miss my spider. So yes. Heres his information

11 months
American Grass Spider
Lived on the porch

And that's all
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Hannah
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