For Romeo
by Isobel Healy.........................................
You, black furry being, catlet, fluffy feet and more formally Romeo, officially Golf Bravo Foxtrot Bravo Romeo (G-BFBR) named with your brother G-MAYO (Oscar) after airplanes.
You, heavy,huge, snuffly, wake us up at 6 45 each day, sleep between us against all the rules, radiator bathe in the bathroom,
You, hairdryer, ironing board and vacuum cleaner hater, running to hiding in Tim's arms while I dry my hair, running down the stairs on irong days
You, who got trapped in the scout hut and rescued, who eat my necklace when you were teething, who brought a mouse back from next door's house still in its mousetrap
You who laid with your brother tiny in the chair at 2 months old and let me fall in love with you both
You who kept us sane
You who we loved
You who we buried
We loved you more than you knew
More than we knew

For Romeo. Born July 1993. Died 29th October 2007

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Isobel Healy
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