by Jackie Mitchell.........................................
My girl thank you for the time you gave to me and the kids, I got you when I was first diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and you my girl was 6 weeks old, I got you to keep my mind busy so I would not dwell on me being sick, you did more then that, those nights my anxiety level was out the roof you licked my face, you cuddled with me, those those days that I walked Kevin, and Amberto the bus you walked beside me, the days I would cry and get so confused about life in general you would do something to make me laugh, The way I could stand outside my car and say want to go bye bye and you would jump in the car, you showed everyone in my family also that pitbulls could be so gentle and sweet, you were the exception my girl, when I became homeless you hung in there with me hope-a lopa and I always promised we gonna get us a nice house la-la just hang on there with me girl, you did hope you really did. I finally got that good job, got that 3 bedroom house, got that good job and I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer again I need you to be there and you are I know you are in Heaven waiting for me my girl I love you and miss you terribly. you are my heartache love you girl