by Jackie W.........................................
I still remember when I first got you. I was young and through that having a cat would fun. I had no idea the bond we would form.

I went looking for a kitten. But then I saw you. You had such brilliant orange eyes! I looked around the cages of the humane society, but I kept coming back to you. I decided you were the one I wanted. I don't know why... you were sickly looking and very reserved. But I formed that connection. I quickly went and paid for you. It was then that I found out you were sick becuase all of your kittens were adopted and you missed them. Well, if I couldn't have a kitten... at least I could give a home to you.

I almost missed getting you. Behind me in line was a middle aged couple looking to adopt a cat. They saw the same specialness in you that I did. I was overjoyed to realize that I got you... by seconds.

Deciding on a name was hard. You were scrawny but had a beauty to you that was regal. Did you know that you were almost named Ophelia? But then the name came to me... Scarlett. It fit you.

Over the months I took care of you and you grew and became healthy again. Imagine my surprise when you turned out to be a stunning long hair silky smooth beautiful grey kitty. And so very friendly and personable. Everyone liked you.

You never lost that regal air about you. You did walk around like you owned any room you were in. Even when you did something silly, you quickly struck a pose to let us know that silliness was beneath you. But we all knew... you had a young kitten heart with an old cat manner.

I loved the fact that if I overslept, you would lick my face to wake me up. I loved that I taught you to sit for pounce treats. I loved that you never warmed up to people who were not good people. You were always an excellent judge of character. And you really were a beautiful cat. Everyone said so.

The years went on and you started to lose weight. Then you hair started to fall out and your skin turned yellow. Yet you never stopped acting like the young cat that I brought home 10 years earlier.

Today I had to say goodbye to you. I have not cried like this before. You were my constant friend... in good and in bad times. When I didn't have anyone, I had you. When things were good, I snuggle in bed with your warm little body by my side.

I love you Scarlett and I will miss you. Sleep well my friend.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Jackie W
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