by Jacqui Kerrigan.........................................
Alfie came into our lives very unexpectedly in Oct 2002, when we agreed to look after him on a trial basis for a new friend. He was about 18months old, and alledgedly an ex police dog, we all later decided he was far too daft to have have been one!
He immediately settled into our lives, taking our 3 boys to bed, and waiting until they were asleep before coming to sit with us. Our arms were black and blue for the first few weeks he was with us, taking us where he wanted to go with his mouth (maybe he was a trainee police dog after all), but always so gentle with the boys, his gang.
We remember so many happy times with him, the first day we got a new paddling pool, and him deciding he'd bite the rim, 10,000 litres of water in the garden was a scary thought, thankfully we patched it up in time. Always trying to kill the lawn mower, and woe betide any cat that even thought about coming into his garden.
Going on holiday to Wales, Alfie discovered that rock pools there were far bigger than the ones on our local beach, but he still insisted on running through them ,completely submerging himself every time.
He was a beautiful dog who loved us all unreservedly, and when he had to have emergency surgery last year to remove his spleen, we thought we had lost him then. Luckily we had him for another 13 months, fighting unbeknown to us, the cancer we thought he had beaten. He was fussed over and pampered by all of us, so grateful he was still with us. When he started to slow down at Easter we really didn't think there was anything wrong with him, and thought that the mouthful of chocoalte he had stolen may have hurt him. We took him to the vets where we received the devastating news that the cancer had spread to his lungs. We had him for another week after that, before we made the heartbreaking decision for him to go to sleep. That was the hardet thing we have ever had to do, our youngest son was away on a school trip, but we had no choice. The vet was so caring and understanding, putting our minds at rest when he seemed to be full of life as we walked in (the predator/prey instincts make sure they look fit and well). He slipped away so quickly, and it was all over so quickly, almost too quick to take in.
It's now been nearly 3 weeks since he's been gone, and we still think he's going to come charging down the stairs as we walk in. It will take a long time before it becomes a bit easier, but we are starting to remember the good and funny times without crying every time.
Thank you for allowing me to write this little story about my baby, it's helped a little.