She still visits!
by Jamie Johns.........................................
Lucy was the best thing that had ever happened to me. We had always had family pets, but Lucy was my first own baby. She was just like my child. She went everywhere with me whether it be a family get together or running errands. She had a way of making everyone around her smile. She was certainly considered one in the family. The day we lost her was the worst day of my life. It was fourth of July weekend and there had been fireworks being let off. She was afraid of all the noise and was in the house. We had some friends over and someone went outside and Lucy was so shaken up about the fireworks that she went darting out the door and straight into the road where she ran right in front of a car. I was in absolute shock as I ran after her and saw her laying in the middle of the road. We yelled her name and she perked her little head up and look at me. I thought she may be okay. As I ran and swept her int my arms it looked as they she was fine. She didn't have a scratch on her, but breathing was shallow as she was trying to gasp for air. We jumped in the car and went to the nearest vets office, which was closed. I was hysterical as I watched my poor baby girl die in my arms. Everyone I knew came over to be with me as I held my little girl in my arms wrapped up in her favorite blanket. I just couldn't bare to let her go, I wanted to hold on to her forever. It was hours before I agreed to put her in the coffin that my dad had ran to his shop to make for her. It was beautiful. I layed her in it along with her blankie and a few of her favorite toys, and we then placed the lid with her name carved in cursive on top. Weeks went by and I hadn't slept or ate. I was suprised one day when my mom brought home a little tiny Chihuahua puppy. She explained that he needed a good loving home and would help me through the lose of my little Lucy. As I was a little hesitant, I agreed to let this little creature into my heart. He helped me to realize that even though my baby girl was gone, he wasn't there to replace her; nothing in the world could do such a thing, but I could begin to love and care for another baby that needed my unconditional love. A few years passed and there still wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think of Lucy and how much I missed her. One one particular night I was laying in bed with Bosley, my new little boy when something strange happened. Bosley seemed a little uneasy and was staring up above the headboard in a complete daze. He was a little shaken up and as I looked to see what he was staring at, I thought maybe a shadow or fly on the wall, to my suprise there was nothing there! Minutes passed and he was still watching something and I couldn't settle him down. He was acting so out of the ordinary. Months passed and I didn't dwell on the situation too much, honestly I had forgotten about it, until another night the same thing happened. Same spot same strange behavior. I then got a little curious on what just might be going on. Then one day my friends and I decided to have a get together and we thought in might be fun and exciting to have a psychic come over and read us our future. I was a little hesitant going in to it thinking no way can this guy tell me anything that I can believe. During my session I learned that he wasn't just a psychic, but he was also a medium that could communicate with the spirits. After some time spent with him, and some of the information he was giving to me, I was utterly speechless. I couldn't believe my ears...he was telling me things about my life that there was no way he would know. I started to become a believer! I then asked him about this strange behavior that my dog had displayed on a couple of occasions. He told me that it wasn't uncommon and that dogs have the ability to see things that humans cannot. He told me that it was a spirit visiting me and that it comes around to check up on me once and awhile. I thought instantly that it was probably my grandfather that had passed and that I was very close with. I asked him if thats who it was, and he said that grandpa does come to visit, but this wasn't the spirit that my dog had seen in my room. He then began to tell me that this might sound a litte weird but it was not a human spirit, rather it was a dog! He then told me that I had lost a pet that was extremely close to me, and I just broke down in tears. I never would have thought that the spirit of my beloved Lucy came to visit. He said she visits more often than I think and that she comes to check up on me. He then said to watch my current dog, Bosley when hes playing because she often comes to play with him. It instantly hit me that that may indeed be true. There has been several occasions where Bosley will just be laying on the couch when suddenly he jumps up outof nowhere and start rolling around on the floor as if playing with something that isn't there! After my experience with the psychic, I suddenly had this feel of relief. It was like something had been missing in my life, in this case the loss of Lucy. After what he had told me, I suddenly felt at ease, like she is still with me in my heart and in spirit. And I finally felt like she was okay now, and that she is waiting on me to meet up with her again someday. Lucy was my life, my companion, my baby, and my best friend, and now she has become my guardian angel!
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Jamie Johns
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