Loving After Your Loss-In Remembrance of Sadie
by Jan Bergman.........................................
After my wonderful Sadie passed my friend told me about this terrific website. They also sent a card and enclosed was a folded letter that said on the outside "Open when you are up to it". I did the other day and although it still brought tears to my eyes, it is so worth sharing with others. It reads:

Remember me always, but do not grieve for me too long. I have tried always to comfort you in times of sorrow, and have made every effort to add joy to your life. I never wanted to cause you pain.

Please, after your period of grieving for me, make room in your heart for another. You are the kind of human being that should always have a friend like me to love. Your kind and gentle heart should not be wasted on my memory for too long. Give your heart to another. I know your new friend will never take my place, because we had something very special. It may not be quite the same, but a new devoted and loving companion, will in time, become special in their own way.

You loved me very much and I loved you. My spirit will always be with you. Anonymous

Hope this helps someone else to heal and when you are ready, seek out another love that needs a wonderful loving forever home. Everyone has their own period of mourning, but I knew the right thing for me to do was give another rescue cat a chance to live and be loved. I adopted my sweet Chezzy a couple of weeks later from the Humane Society and I know Sadie is in Heaven whispering in her ear, because she does some of the same things as my "Tater". It reminds me of Sadie and her wonderful and sometimes annoying antics, like escaping out my doorway when I was in the biggest hurry!!
It also makes me smile to remember our happy times. It was meant to be.
May God bless and comfort all who grieve for our lost loved ones.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Jan Bergman
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