Max-Best dog ever
by Jane Butler.........................................
To think a family could not afford surgery when you were injured. How my friend a vet tech, requested that she would pay and would give you to me. They agreed. The greatest day in my life was when I went to get you and bring you to our new home. We only got 9 years together, but the most wonderful years ever. I did not what is was like to go take a shower alone. You were always at my side. I hope I made the right decision, Max. When I got home that night and you could not come see me, I knew. You will never be replaced. Someday you will be along side me buried forever. Sammy was killed in our new house driveway Saturday. He is coming to be with you again. It was so tragic Max. Please stay together until the day we can all be together. My angel, please keep watching over me. I love you!!! Mom
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