Binky Boo
by Jayne .........................................
My baby girl was a rescue cat. We were looking around a local animal sanctuary after loosing our previous two babies, Pete and Jingles in close sucession. There were hundreds of cats and lots of prospective mummies each being greeted by pleading meows. Then I saw her, big, fat fluffy perched high out of reach of legs and feet. Thats my baby and she was for 5 wonderful years. I have lots of wonderful memories about Binky Boo, but my favourite also also accompanies one of my favourite photos of her. It was early one morning in November (I had the week off work, as It was close to my birthday) and I was sat in the armchair with Binky perched at my side. After several head bumps and nose rubs, she looked at me, for a long I poked my tongue out at her, for fun! Straight away she poked her little pink tongue out at me and continued until I grabbed my camera phone and took har picture.
I look at that picture now and remember her velvet nose and sleepy eyes. She was my baby Boo. Im on holiday again, but this time it is August and my Boo has been gone from me one week. I sit in my armchair and suspect that a ghostly Boo perches next to me, poking out her tongue in fun.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Jayne
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