I turned around and saw your tiny body in ankle deep snow.
I knew I would bring you home.
The years had tough times but I never had more love.
I will never love like I loved you.
You almost left me when you were but a lad, but you perservered and bounce back.
I thought you'd bounce back from what made you so weak, it was not meant to be.
That day my heart broke into a million pieces and those pieces will never mend.
Remember my dear boy, my heart is and always shall be yours.
I wait anxiously for you to find me now, I fear you cannot or will not and it breaks my heart even more.
Please let there be a place we will someday be together, I can only hope.
I hope in this place you are on a throne, greeting others into this new home.
One day look for the gates to open and run to me Rusty, I will run to you faster than I have run before.
God Bless you now and forever.