by Jennifer Oxbury.........................................
In memory of marcus, we all miss you, although we hardly knew you xxx

Marcus was a black and tan cavalier aged 14. His Mum Betty could no longer look after him and Misty so Mum and I took them on, we had Marcus living with us for 2 months and then he passed away peacefully but suddenly in Mums garden with Willow, Misty and Brandy near him, I was at work but I was told that you were not suffering, I told Betty. It seems strange but a dog that was hardly in our lives for long was so much a part of them and so missed you touched us all, Luke still misses you and so do Brandy and Willow. Misty has since joined you and we know your happy at rainbows bridge. I see a part of you in Jeeves the new puppy, he is as cheeky as you! See you one day xxx

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