by Jennifer .........................................
Our story began 16 years ago when I walked into a vet clinic and saw the cutest little puppy ever. I took home a stray puppy who had been abandoned by some college kids. He was 6 weeks old but they were not sure what breeds he was mixed with. We found out as time when on he was a boxer-beagle mix and he was the best dog ever. We had 4 kids and all of the kids pulled on Harley and rode him around and he took it all with great stride. When I was pregnant with our second child my blood pressure was high and I needed to stay on my left side Harley would lay behind me every night holding me on my side. We had also a rat terrier named Meeko who died a couple years ago and Harley was lost without her. They slept together, ate together, and played together. He looked for her for weeks and I hope they are together now!! Harley had been getting worse and worse sleeping alot like 23 hours out of 24 hours and had a stroke a year ago or so and sort of came out of that one. It was getting so hard for him to walk. He loved to go bye bye in the car and so in October we took Harley to the water for our last family photo with him. Those pictures are priceless to us. Two weeks ago we had to put Harley to sleep he was very sick with cancer. We loved him so much we had to let him go and he was suffering a slow painful death. That was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made in my life I did not want to let him go but we loved him so we had to. After 16 years that was the only life my children knew was life with Harley. He was there for every Birthday, and every Christmas and he was there everytime we came home at the door to greet us and it will take along time to get over losing that but we will always remember him and will always love him......Rest in peace our baby Harley!!!!!