by Jennifer Hanley.........................................
Sam came into our lives a few months ago (in the summer of 2008). He was our full breed beagle and given to us by my in-laws. Sam was given to my in-laws when they bought his son(Midnight). My in-laws couldn't handle three dogs(they already had a Dalmatian at home, Spike). Sam came to live with us and he loved hunting rabbits with my husband. He was four years old but as energentic as a puppy when it came to rabbits hunting and going for walks. We all miss him SO much!! Sam was out on a cable in the yard that New Year's Eve night. He had somehow broken the cable and we believe he was chasing a bunny. Nothing got in his was when he was chasing bunnies-it was his beagle instinct. We got the call around 7:30p.m. that he had been hit by a car. The lady who had hit Sam found his collar with our name and phone number and called us. She placed Sam in her van until my husband could get there. They offered to pay for the vet bill but my husband refused knowing that Sam may not even make it back home from the accident(the accident was three blocks away from our house). He looked into my husband's eyes in no pain due to his neck or back being broken. As he laid Sam down on the blanket in the basement Sam took his last breath. We love you and will remember you always! Our hearts are aching for you but we believe you died doing what you loved to do. Rest in peace Sam and chase those bunnies with Stephanie at Rainbow Bridge. It is one of the hardest things to lose an animal especially at holidays. Christmas time in 2006 I had to put an older dog to sleep due to cancer-she was with me for 17 years. Christmas time 2007 we had to put another dog to sleep due to cancer once again-she was about 12 years old. Now this Christmas time Sam was taken from us. It still just as hard even though quicker. I take some comfort in knowing they are all together and someday I will see them and cry tears of joy instead of tears of pain.