Max. My very good boy.
by Jeremey Rudd.........................................
I buried my best friend last night. At a ripe age of 8, my baby boy developed a mass in his lungs. It was the most sudden onset of symptoms, I have ever seen. My bubba kept his spunk till the end. Those ears perked right up when the family arrived. Its just too bad they were there to say goodbye.
Its been a long time since I've felt a pain like this, but Max was my best friend. Quite nearly my only friend, as it was typically always he and I. Hes seen me laugh, and cry. He was always there when I was sick, or depressed. He was my rock, as I was his. Always seeking my approval, and needing reassurance that I'm still there. Well Max, I'm always there, and you're always here. You never left me, and I'd never leave you. You were my best friend, you were my life.Come on bubba, lets go for a WALK! He's my very good boy! Daddy loves you, and one day, well chase all the rabbits you want.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Jeremey Rudd
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