I thought it would be easiest for me to send this email. Thank you all for your loving support and prayers over the last couple of weeks. Thank you for the phone calls and soup, help with Skion, listening to me, and offering support over the last 2 weeks and in these final days. My sisters, Larry, CJ, Muphy, Tucker, Skion, and I all got together last night until 11:30 at night to come together to make some decisions about Mogul's life. But Mogul decided to help us out because even with all of us, it was still hard to come to a final decision.
Mogul got sick about 2 weeks ago, with a seemigly virus, and then went into the ICU last week Thursday to dig a little further. Mogul passed away early this morning at 4:15am from multiple orgain failures. This was all very sudden and never expected him leaving us so soon. We were really rooting for his recovery. He was only 4 years old. But his body couldn't take it anymore and he went peacefully with no cries and no struggle, I was reassured. He took a deep breath and left the living world to enter doggy heaven. It's been a very difficult week, but I know that we can all rest more peacefully now, knowing that Mogul is no longer in pain and he is resting now. Larry and I were at the hospital every night with Mogul and even Skion went to visit his brother on Saturday afternoon, even though he didn't quite know what to think. Larry & I know that we did everything and then some more and he had the best care, perhaps in the midwest and perhaps better than many humans ever get, while he was in intensive care.
I am drained from thinking about the process of dying and am ready to continue living. Everyone has their turn to live and every living being has their time to die. So while I will continue to miss Mogul and continue to struggle with my grandpa dying of brain cancer, I am committed to be there for grandpa and my family, and want to continue to live, because that is what Mogul and Grandpa want. It's interesting that my dog Mogul, helped me prepare for what's to come with my Grandpa, and my Grandpa helped me learn that it's okay to not fight with continuous treatment. I wanted to keep giving Mogul plasma infusions and phentonyl drips, and intravenous fluids and I wanted to fight, fight, fight. But Mogul told Larry & I that he couldn't fight anymore. Thank you Mogul for letting me know that it was okay to let you go.
We will miss you, Mogul.
Mommy, Daddy, & Skion
Mogul Sectzer-Rubin
March 1st, 2005 - June 3rd, 2009