Born April 1999 -
One look at you
I knew you were mine.
Eleven years three months later,
I have now become the griever.
A love so strong, A life now gone
My breathe, My heart,
I knew something was wrong.
You are now at rest
In my life you stay and always belong
My Gizzy you were the best.
You are my thoughts inside my head -
You will stay there as you can never be dead.
We had a special love you and I
My Gizzy , My Boy, I never thought you would die !!!
But tonight I cry on the 29th of July.
I can no longer hold you
My emotions are distraught
We will never be apart
As with each breath I breathe
You will always live in my heart until the day I die !.......
Goodnight Gizzy