by Jo .........................................
You've been gone for 8 days now Sweetcheeks & I'm missing you so much. You were so old & you were suffering so much with Arthritis but you bravely soldiered on, stoical to the end typical of a Doberman. You were the very best friend a person could ever wish for. You loved fusses & snuggly cuddles on the settee & would always demand attention by pawing at me but I was always happy to give you anything your heart desired. After fusses food was your favourite thing & you'd spend hours in the kitchen with me whenever food was about always hopeful of a small treat. You loved potato peelings,tomato & lettuce but your favourite was cucumber peelings which Shane would happily give you.As you got older you would lay in the kitchen doorway still watching still hoping for food but towards the end you would be in your bed in the living room but you could still see me & I would bring any treats into you just like I did on the day we lost you. I can still see you Missy even though you're not there. You bought such joy to our lives & I am so thankful for every day of the 11 years that we had you. You made us laugh. You made us cry. You made us scared the day you chased after a bunny on the edge of the sewage works. You were determined to get that pesky bunny but you fell in a huge tank of smelly horrible water which mercifully was virtually full. There you were hanging onto the wall by your nails & dad had to pull you out. I think you had an angel watching over you that day. Had that tank been empty you would've fallen at least 30 feet. You loved your walks with Eddie chasing bunnies & squirrels in the sun & you loved to play in the snow too. One day on your walk you found a piece of spongy material from an old armchair & proceeded to eat it. We waited for you to throw it back up but you wouldn't. For 10 days we waited for signs that you were blocked up inside but you still ate & drank & did your business as usual & on the 11th day you finally threw it up. That is how you got your nickname of Sponge. We called you all sorts of silly names like Sponge, Spongy bungee, silly zilly, fuzzy lumpkin, mugwump, sweetcheeks and many more but you came to all of them as it usually meant a fuss or a treat was coming your way. I hope you are happy at the Bridge with Eddie, free from pain, forever young at heart, causing havoc amongst the bunnies cats & squirrels. Rest well Missy you deserve it. I will love & miss you forever Babygirl, sweetcheeks precious old Dobergirl, my best friend.