by Jodi Schlechty.........................................
Once there was a little beagle dog--he was happy and frolicking in the yard, tumbling about with his brothers and sisters. He got older, and it was time for him to hunt with his master. The little dog didn't like loud noises, or the shouts from the hunters, so he ran. In the evening he found himself in a barn, alone. Carlights shone, and he was scared! A lady got out of the car and then big dogs came out of the house and chased him. The lady picked him up and took him in the house. Now he was really scared!! She talked to him and fed him, and said "we'll find who you belong to." No one came to get the scared little beagle. So his new Mom gave him food and a bath and a new name---"I think I'll call you Rocky". He was terribly frightened---in a house, with other doggies and----CATS!!! But the humans were kind and gentle; and he liked his new name. He spent his days lying in the grass, chasing butterflies, and snuggling on the couch with the "new people". Soon he realized that he was home, that he was safe, and most importantly that he was loved!! Rocky spent the rest of his life with "his people", who loved him, and pampered him----what more can a "left behind" beagle ask for!!!
In loving memory of Rocky