by Joe Owen.........................................
My dear sweet friend and companion was put to sleep on Friday August 15, 2008 due to Megacolon symptoms. I was a college student in 2002 when I got Lola as a young teenage kitten. She quickly became my study companion, bathroom observer (still wonder what her fascination with that was), my breakfast sampler, and just my best, best friend.
I would celebrate her birthday with a can of tuna and she would gobble it up. She was an indoor cat so she had the run of the apartment. She moved to Texas with me from Oklahoma and settled in my new place slowly but surely. The years went by and I fell in love with a sweet, beautiful woman who became my fiance, then wife. Lola learned to accept her, though Lola only stayed in my lap.
A few month ago I noticed Lola wasn't able to use the bathroom and was in pain. I took her to the vet, and the vet gave Lola an enima and laxative. That worked for awhile, but last Friday Lola was in so much pain, and so my wife took her to the vet again. This time the vet had bad news.
My dear beloved companion and friend had developed megacolon. There wasn't much the vet could do...I made the most painful decision of having Lola put to sleep. It killed me and I am still in grief, however, I know that I couldn't give Lola medication that made her sedated and a laxative 3 times a day for the rest of her life. I know my baby kitty is a peace. She knows she was dearly loved, and I will always grieve for my dear dear companion, but I know I will see Lola Kitty in heaven someday soon and what a wonderful reunion that will be. Until then I know I will eventually let the tears dry...and maybe get another kitty cat or two, but there will ONLY be one Lola Kitty and she will always be in my heart...
God Bless you my dear loved one...May you be in peace at the rainbow bridge and keep a look out, because I will be there one day....