by Judy Schwartz.........................................
I just briefly want to say what a great thing to have found this site, for I am grieving horribly for my little Sammycat who I always called Sammymanth for Samantha. I had her for 15 years and she died suddenly Wednesday afternoon on January 12th,2011. She suffered what they think was a embolism, but I was so unprepared. She was just fine one minute and the next, a heard a cry and she was on the steps with no use of any of her limbs. I took her to the vet, and they said she had probably had a embolism, and I had to have her put to sleep. How do you keep from crying when you come home and she is not there, and her bed lies empty? I never knew I could love an animal as much as I loved my Sammycat. My heart hurts and the pain of loss doesn't at this time seem to be easing. Does it get better? I know God has her in His arms, and I will never forget my baby girl! I love you are the most beautiful little girl in the whole wide world!