The Toys are Silent Now
by Judy Pfaus.........................................
Her favorites were always the noisemakers. Not the squeek toys, but the ones that quacked, barked, ribbeted or screamed like monkeys when they were squeezed or chomped down on. Indeed the all time favorites were the ones that quacked...and they came in many shapes and sizes. She learned to throw them when she was still quite young, and if we weren't careful, we would get hit with one when we least expected it. She was very protective of her "babies", yet always willing to share them with us. Frosty, our little white Bichon was not so lucky, she wouldn't let him keep them for very long. Seeing how she towered over Frosty, he had no choice but give in to her.
After she left us, ironically, the barking puppy stopped barking, even though Frosty still wanted to play with it. The rolling frog quit making that strange gurgling sound, and even though the duck still quacked, Frosty would not play with it. He knew that it was her favorite, and along with the toys, he misses her as well.
Two kittens roam the house, now, definitely not a replacement, just somewhere to channel the need to love deeper. They keep Frosty company and attempt to play with those toys, but the toys just aren't interested. They are silenced now, grieving perhaps, at the loss of their mama dog.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Judy Pfaus
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