by Julie Ford.........................................
I never ever forget about my Jasper all of my freckles heart since she was born on Sept 12, 2001. My paretns adopted her for me in Oct, 2001 for mty speical gift. She was in the blue box on the kitchen floor and I opened.. Jasper looked up at me and meowed.. I gasped and saw her beautiful cat as she is Calico!!! She had been followed me evreywhere and always slept with me since 9 yrs! Never leave me all the way..
When I was away, Jasper was so sad and sometimes she was ok without me for few days.. I came back home. She was so happy and missed me too much! I always always giave her my cuddle and kisses too much! never stop.. Played with her and talked to Jasper any of sweet names.. smile!
Until she was 9 years old and she become so skinny and felt sick.. I worried and brought her to the VET.. They told me that she had rectal cancer.. I cried and they gave me the meidcation if it could be making her feel better but few months she dropped her weight again.. She had a lot of problems with her poop and vomit anywhere. I cleaned up . I could not balme on her. I tried my best for her to take it easy.. it was a time fir her to go.. Crying.. I hate to see her to sleep at the VET and then brought her home to bury by my brother did dig for me.. I hate to see her gone! I love you, jasper all the way of my life!!
Julie Day Ford