Losing our Mia
by Jynn Bridges.........................................
We lost our sweet Mia 4 Sundays ago. We got the call she had passed away while she was boarded due to bloat-sudden,unexpected,tragic.No Sunday will ever be the same for us.

Mia, Our hearts and our home is so empty.I dread waking up without your howl,I dread coming home without you sliding on the floor to greet me,I dread cooking dinner without your nose pushing at my hands.We miss you so much.You completed us in ways that we never even realized.You were so full of happiness and joy and fun-no matter what your day was like.You had a way of bringing smiles to everyones face that met you.Your maltipoo sister Cami is so sad-she lays on your spot next to the fireplace and wants you to come home.We cry and cry-all we want is our sweet Mia back on her couch-where she belongs.The 2 years that we had you flew by-but the time without you drags by so slow-the sadness pulls and pulls at the time-never ending breaking of our hearts Your daddy and I want to smell you,feed you,do all the simple things that we all take for granted.You may not have had a long life - but you had an amazing life full of so much love-love you didn't even realize.Everything in our life relates to you.You loved watching movies-now I hate them without you.I want to feel your warmth,rub your floppy ears,look into your goofy eyes,feel you lean against me,see you running down the hallway-sliding into the walls.Mia, your family loves you and misses you and needs you so much.You are an angel.Our hearts hurt without you,life just does not seem real-I cannot accept that you are gone-even through all of the pain I just can't accept it.You always made me feel so safe when it was just you, me and Cami.Being in the house alone while your daddy works scares me to death.Sometimes when I close my eyes I can hear your phantom howl!It's not fair to have you taken away-it's not fair to you.We love you sweet Mia - enjoy the Rainbow Bridge-know your family misses you like crazy.Each time we feel the wind blow, we know it's you racing towards us.We love you babygirl,we love you.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Jynn Bridges
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