by Karen .........................................
Fluffy came into my husband Terry and my life one sunny January morning. I went out in the backyard to feed the neighbors cat and she was sitting in the crawlspace going under the house. The next morning, Fluffy was sitting on the closed BBQ on the patio waiting to be fed.
I took Fluffy to the vet to make sure she was ok. I found out she was a fixed 3 year old long-hiared Tabby/Maine Coon mix.
Fluffy was our show cat. We entered her in many C.F.A. Cat Shows in the household pets division. One Sunday at a show, she bit and scratched a judge. That was the end of her career as a show cat.
When Terry and I split up, I took Fluffy and moved out. I made sure she had extra love since I was both mother and father to her.
Fluffy brought me several more years of love and silliness, as only a cat can. She passed away on July 6, 2013.
Fluffy is buried in the flower bed of my front yard. I talk to her everyday and tell her I love and miss her very much.
Fluffy, I know you are in heaven and I will be there one day to give you tummy pets.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Karen
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