What Prompts a Memory
by Karen Michaels.........................................
What Prompts a Memory?

"My mommy wonders why she thinks of me at unexpected times,
she wonders why her heart can feel at times a ray of bright sunshine...

Well, Mommy I want to tell you, through the magic that is here,
it's me visiting you inside your heart, that's when you feel me near...

When I stroll in for a moment, and you'll quickly think of me...
and you wonder what just prompted that particular memory...

Well, it's me dear sweet mom, 'cause when I think of you,
I can't keep it to myself, so you think of me, then, too!

I know it's been a while, mom, but my love won't go away,
just know I watch o'er you from here, each and every day...

I soar on silvery angel wings as Pressy's Grandpa writes;
And fly on wings as Eagles here, in the Rainbow's magical heights..."

Karen M. Michaels

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Karen Michaels
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