by Karla .........................................
I first met Jet in 2001. I had just started dating his daddy (Kevin). Kevin had gotten Jet as a puppy to help him get through a recent transplant.
Kevin had told me how hyper Jet was, but I had no idea until I met him. I was sitting on the couch and Kevin asked me if I was ready to meet Jet. I said yes, not knowing what was about to happen. Kevin opened the bedroom door and all I saw was this black streak come running out and jump and slobber all over me...all 108 pounds. A very large black lab. I was terrified at that moment but quickly fell in love.
I used to get home before Kevin would and I would take Jet into the back yard and play fetch with him. I would get him so worn out; he would just lie down and drink some water, then throw it up...
Eventually age caught up and those outside adventures became less.
We then had our daughter Madison and because of Jet's large size and rambunctious attitude we had to keep him in our bedroom, but Madison loved him. She always would pet him and love on him. She even would "sneak" treats from Pet smart to bring home to him.
A year ago, he started limping and we thought he just hurt his foot. It turned out to be his hip. We were living in a house with a basement and he loved being downstairs but eventually he couldn't make it up the stairs.
We moved this year and he was okay for awhile and then slowly didn't act like himself. I always called him a kangaroo because he would jump up and down on his hind legs. You could even hear him doing it in another room. He stopped doing that.
I took him to another vet and because of all the new symptoms, the vet believed he had cancer and at 12, had a very GOOD life.
Kevin and I decided for him, that it was time to say goodbye. I stayed with him while he went to sleep for the last time......we love you and miss you "puppy", Jet.

Love, Mommy, Daddy & Madison

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Karla
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