by Kathy .........................................
Last week my Brother had to put down his Cat Daisy Mae.
Daisy was found in a dumpster with her box of kittens in
Falls Church Va 16 years ago.
My Brother and his wife adopted Daisy had her fixed.
She became a perfect house cat.
The doctor felt she was likely between 18-19 years old
in reality.
Over the recent years she has had trouble with her digestive
system and numerous visits to her vet.
4 years ago Daisy and her parent packed up and moved to
Lexington KY... Into a large home that Daisy loved to find
every possible corner to play in.
She had a tumor in her ear that was removed about two years
ago, she almost died from that... but she was a fighter.
As this year came in March, the thought they were going to
lose her.. She was not eating and having trouble with her
bowels... But Daisy recovered again....
This last week, she was clearly having pain in walking, and
she was not able to use the litter box...
So the Friday before Memorial Day, she took a sudden turn for
the worse and had to be put down..
Daisy you are gone , but not forgotten