My Sweet Special Needs Dog Sammy
by Kathy
I immediately was drawn to him - a cute 8-10 yr old schnauzer/dachshund mix. His photos on the rescue group website showed an energetic dog. They brought him to meet me - I was instantly smitten with him. Two days later he was my "forever pet". That same day I found out he had 15 teeth pulled and had a fatty tumor on his chest. What could I do? I couldn't give him back - he was now in my home. A few days later, I discovered he had a tumor on his rear & surgery was necessary. The biopsy showed it was benign. To make a long story short, when Sammy walked or sat, his legs stuck out. One day, he had a seizure, tried to get up, and cried out in pain. X-rays showed he had severe spinal injuries from 5-6 yrs ago. The vet said he was over 13 yrs old! He was temporarily paralyzed on his right side, but did recover after a few weeks on heavy drugs. Months passed, and he started walking slowly again, this time with a limp, or he would stumble when he walked. The vet said his spine & neck were causing him discomfort, so I bought a halter & carried him upstairs/downstairs to alleviate stress. Fast forward several months later, he started coughing. I thought he had a respiratory infection & asked for x-rays. He was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, fluid in his lungs & heart murmur and was put on daily medication. When he started to sleep longer, not eat, walk very slowly, I took him back to the vet. X-rays showed his spine was worse, and he was also diagnosed with arthritis. I asked the vet to put him to sleep since he was getting worse - they refused. I took him to the vet 3x in a month, increased pain pills, and decided this was too much for this sweet boy. I was having to hold his rear for him to use the bathroom as he kept losing his balance. I took him out of the vet hospital, got his records, and took him to another vet for a 2nd opinion. She examined him, read his records, watched him stumble when she put him back on the floor & told me, "this little boy is in pain; it's time we give this sweet boy some relief." She also said he was very weak & it would be very quick. Sammy relaxed in my arms while I stroked his head & talked to him. Three minutes later he was gone. Such a sweet boy who tried his hardest to ignore the pain, but I just couldn't watch him go down again, nor allow the vets to continue telling me he was having a "bad day". I had Sammy less than 2 yrs. Why do some vets refuse to put weak/suffering dogs to sleep "let's put him in the kennel away from you to keep his spine still"; while others show compassion for dogs & their humans not to continue the suffering? The new vet said he had so many things wrong with him & would never get better. He passed on Thurs, & I feel angry I had to take him for a 2nd opinion, and so sad he's gone. Should I inform my former vets Sammy was put to sleep, or should I have nothing further to do with them?
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Kathy
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