by Kathy .........................................
On 9/9/1999 a Beautiful Baby boy german Shepherd was born into this world.He went to a pet store with his sister. He cried when they were a apart. The Sister went to a different family but Shep went to me.The pet store was closed a few months later for bad treatment of animals.

Shep and I went to doggie classes together. We did car rides together.We played ball together. He watched me have my first child together and I was the one he looked at for the last time,Just us together.I choose to put him to sleep because he was too sick to be saved.I stood by him for 3 years while he could not walk. I could not watch that anymore.He had the cancer and it would not go away.I loved to brush him and clean his ears.I cleaned them before he passed on.

He was the best dog a person could ask for.He took good care of us and was a great guard dog.He loved corn muffins and pizza. My father passed away 4 months ago from cancer. Now my Father has his dog up there in heaven with him so he is not alone. I gave him that gift.

She is now back with him father and mother he was taken way from and his sister. I know when I die he will great me in heaven.

I love you Shep with all my heart.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Kathy
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