The loss of Venus
by Kathy Chichester.........................................
Our Little feathered miracle.You brought so much joy into our lives.From the day we saw you in the pet store we knew you would make your home in our family.We saw past the sniffles you had.We knew we could get you on your feet again.Even when you gained so much weight,your mom worked with you and got you down where you should be.Even though your time here on earth was so brief living only 1 1/2 years here with us, you entertained us and made us laugh. When you ran you waddled like a duck, which would make us laugh.You know how special those head scratches from daddy were.Your daddy feels so guilty being the one who very accidently caused your death.Please try to forgive him, Venus, as he loved you so very much and is devastated by your death. You after all were his christmas present and his best friend.Apollo misses you too: he was always trying to be your boyfriend! I hope you met Junior when you crossed over the rainbow bridge.He was another gift from God.I am writing this Venus, for mommy, as a special tribute to the wonderful person that she is. She loved you with all her heart as we all did. We will miss you dearly our precious feathered friend.Please dont ever forget us as we will never ever forget you!!!!!!!!Fly free and visit us sometimes.We will look for you in the gentle breezes and the puffy clouds.In the rustle
of leaves in the fall and the flutter of a butterfly on a flower.When a single bird fly's overhead, we will blow you kisses into the wind.Take them with you and share them with all of our special friends who have gone before us.God must have really needed you to help him up at the Rainbow Bridge, but our hearts are broken as we must stay behind .I am truely sorry you had to make this journey alone.You were always a fighter here on earth.May you be happy.Please help other babies cross over .They will need a friend.
With all our love, Auntie Kathy, Mommy Daddy, Ed C. Apollo,Isis, Hailey, Nova, Orion,Coco, Cinnamon,Alpha,Omega,Joanne, And Athena
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