by Kayla Cook.........................................
I don't remember the exact date. It happened so fast. I had a friend over to spend the night.. i was 12 at the time. My dear precious was laying on the edge of my bed, her usual spot to sleep. She was only herself around me, around everyone else, she got a little defensive and mean. But i loved her none the less.I knew that something was wrong when she flopped off the bed and sputtered. She just layed there... never moving. i picked her up, and she didn't make a fuss, which was strange because she hates to be help. But now she didn't even put up a fight. I had my friend go home, and i called my mom. She said she would take a look at her when she got home from work. I knew that something was wrong, and i begged my dad to let me take her to the vet, but he refused. SO u stayed upstairs with her, trying to get her to eat and drink. Trying to figure out the problem. THen my mom got home. She, unlike my dad, could see that there was a real problem and she needed to be taken care of. I remember the ride there like it was 2 hours ago. I wrapped her up in blankets and hopped into the back seat of the car, careful to keep her comfortable. I have two other cats, Sasha and Kitty. Before we left, they were both sitting in the same window, looking at Precious with concern. We sped down to the vet. While we were there, my mom started talking to me about the options. what if the news came back bad? What if she wasn't going to make it. I had to leave. i didnt' want to, and i felt so bad abandoning her, but i couldnt' stand to be in that room with the one that i love most, dieing right in front of me. The blood test came back. She had Kidney faluire and diabetes. The vet tech said taht she was most likley not going to survive the night. we took her home and set her in a bok. it had a heating pad in it to keep her warm and make her feel better, but she refused to use it. So she sat under my bed gasping for air. That was the worst night of my life. I never knew if she was alive or if she had passed on. I stayed up all night with my mom watching infomercials and trying to keep our minds off of her... but it never worked... the next morning , i walked into my room with dread. i didnt' know if she had passed away under my bed, or if she was still alive. I was actually hoping that her pain was over with, and that her spirt had been released within our house, but i was wrong. She was in more pain than ever and she could barley breath. She looked up at me with her beautiful hazel eyes, and cocked her head side ways. I started crying. With her last energy, she moved close to me and layed there, as if telling me she didn't understand why i was crying, but everything was going to be okay. We took her to the vet. I was holding her in my arms when they put her to sleep. i refused to have her lay on a cold metal table. I wanted her to pass on in loving arms, warm and comfortable. When they tried to inject the medice, she fought. She wasn't ready to giv eu p yet. After a sucsesful twenty miniute firhgt, she gave up. i held her close as they injected the medicine into her. She looked straight into my eyes as she was passing. for her sake i tried my hardest not to cry. I watched her eyes every moment uptill all light fadded and she went limp in my arms. I was devistated. I know i have so many spelling errors, but its hard to type while crying. its been 2 years, and i and now 14. I go and vist my beautiful Preciuos every day. ( we buirired her in our back yard underneath a pear tree, which we now call out Precious Pear)
My nake is Kayla, and i feel sympathy for any of you out there who have ever lost a pet, for a pet is more than a pet when you love them. They are family. They are a part of you. It really cuts a deep wound in your heart that can not truly be heald, but with memories.