by Kevin Gilsbach.........................................
Dear Friends, Today was one of the saddest of days I have ever had in my life. Today I had to take the pain and suffering away from my best friend, my buddy for 13 years, my families guardian, and by any other title a huge part of our lives, my dog Hairy. Those of us who knew of him know he was a majestic and beautiful White German Shepherd. I will Cherish all the times and memories with him, but can not ignore the fact that when I saw the life's light go away forever from his eyes, that I lost a part of me I can never regain. Hairy was more than a dog to me , to us, he was a joy fullness I cannot explain all to well to any one person. The words "walk" and "ride" will always have different meaning for me now. I will miss the rushed attention he always gave when a delivery truck came near or when someone came to the door. His facial expressions were unlike that of any dog and his inept understanding of us and our feelings will forever be missed. He was intelligent, caring and brave and had a sense of duty to protect us always, and had on many occasions. He was the man of the house when I was deployed with the US Army, and made my wife feel safe and unalone. For that I will be eternally grateful. He always put himself in between my daughter and any thing that would hurt or harm her. We were never far from him or would he let us be. He was gentle and social around all other animals. He knew he was loved, always, and I know for a fact it was returned ten fold. I wish people could be more like he was in the fact that he always knew right from wrong and once you knew him your life was just a bit better and happier. He was scared of thunderstorms and when my wife and I would argue, maybe he knew that there was no difference between the two, and sadly it took me until now to realize he was right. So in closing I would say simply, thank you Hairy, until we are with you again, may you be somewhere now as a pup again running and playing in the fields of Kansas you so loved with the dogs you used to play with that I know are with you now, not in any pain, always a sunny day and not a storm ever on your horizon. Love you Bubba! PS-Thanks for never needing a leash and collar!
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Kevin Gilsbach
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