My sadly missed Tabby cat, OJ.
by Kris Costello.........................................
My sweet, darling boy, what a loving, affectionate cat you were! All I ever did was provide you with love, comfort security! You lived into your early "twenties" and were taken from us so fast and unexpectedly. I couldn't stop crying and was hysterical, losing you!! With your soft, orange fur and a large tabby you were, I'd snuggle up near you, holding and petting you, thanking you for being my very best (Ernie, too!) and my "second little son"! You lived so many years, how sad it was that your former owners had to leave you behind when they moved. Their loss, our gain and if they had stayed, we wouldn't have been given the chance to love you so very very much!! I miss you so much, my little pee-wee! Mommy always knew how special you were and how lucky I was to have the chance to care for you, feed you and love you until you were taken from us so sudden! I will never get over the loss of losing both you and Ernie! One day, my angel, we'll all be reunited at Rainbow Bride!! We'll all laugh, cry happy tears, cling together in joy, give kissies and love and play for eternity!! Mommy and sissy love you, Ojie!! You and Ernie are my 2 sweet baby angel boys! You & Ernie wait for us! We'll be together again someday! I love you, my pee-wee!

Our forever love and kissies!!
Mommy, sissy,
and pop-pop and Dee-Dee!!

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