by Krystin
It has been just me, my husband (Matt) and our dog, Pixie for the past 8 years. We were like the three amigos, we did everything together. Pixie was a soft coated wheaten terrier and always was happy and full of love and kisses. The vets always jokingly called her “tigger” since she seemed like she had springs in her legs and could jump up and basically lick anyones face.
We have been going through IVF for over the past 2 years with no luck and Pixie was our rock. Always there with an encouraging smile and kiss. Last week we dropped her off at a boarding kennel since it was my brother’s wedding weekend. She was fine and excited to go on her “vacation”. She basically ran into the kennel and didn’t look back. On Monday morning, 11/15/21, we received the worst call, waking both myself and my husband awake that Pixie had passed overnight in the kennel unexpectedly. Our whole world completely shattered. How could this be?! She was fine and healthy. She was spoiled with 4 walks a day. She was our child and we felt horrible that we didn’t get to say goodbye. We picked her up and kissed her and petted her and told her how she was such a good dog. I never wanted to see my dog like that. It felt like an out of the body experience.
The house is just so lonely and quite without her. I am completely heartbroken. Every night I sleep with her toys and I am constantly trying to look for her. Hoping she is hiding in one of her favorite spots. The house is like a shrine to her, it just doesn’t feel like home without her. I feel like a complete basket case, she was our daughter. And I miss her so much. We keep praying this is just a horrible nightmare and I keep pinching myself to wake up.
We loved our girl Pixie and spoiled her like crazy. Between her loving to go for ice cream (she always like to go up to the window herself and bark at the worker to tell them she was ready for her puppy cone). She loved sticking her head out of the car window when we were going anywhere (the look of pure passion was priceless). She was my mini me and basically loved everything I loved. She loved guarding our house; between barking at any trucks, squirrels, bunnies, groundhogs, cats, dogs and even sometimes a rouge huge leaf. She loved standing on her hind legs to stare out at the world outside. She loved the fall, she always made it a job to pee on basically every leaf pile and also figured out how to pee like a boy dog so she could be queen of the neighborhood. I never met a dog who loved snow as much as she did, basically having to carry her inside, otherwise she would never come in. She loved being spoiled by her grandparents and being around them. They were her best friends. She had her own spot on their couches and always did funny things like tricking them to go to bed early so she could get the best seat in the house. She would be so happy whenever anyone would visit. She would always steal my brother’s shoes and hide them in her bed so he couldn’t leave. Pixie would be so happy with visitors, usually you could see her walking up the stairs backwards so she could have your full attention when walking in the house. She also loved opening presents, just saying the world “present” she would be ready to go. She had a funny way of getting what she wanted always knew how to play the “dumb blonde” gig but was incredibly smart. For example, when she was a puppy she would bark at our screen door and when my husband made chicken, Pixie ran over and was barking like mad at the door so my husband went to go inspect what was going on and Pixie double backed and grabbed his chicken. She also almost accomplished the same feat with the thanksgiving turkey and Christmas ham. She was crafty and clever.
She made a lasting impression on anyone who met her. She always seemed like she was smiling and let us dress her up for Halloween. She wasn’t much of a “cuddler” but she always knew if you needed the company. Between her hilarious facial expressions and comical loud farts (occasionally looking at you after letting it rip as if to say “wasn’t me”). She loved to sleep on her back with her legs up in the air like upside down Superman. At night, you could hear her puppy dreaming and her paws clawing at the wall (sounded like she was running on the ceiling). She did her crazy runs around the house running so fast it was like a blur. Around her birthday or Christmas, you could swear she knew presents would be coming so she made sure to play with all of her toys so that you knew that she could handle more. She touched many peoples hearts.
She will forever be my fur child, my kraken/crazy girl, my bubs, our beloved Pixie. Sleep now my love in a beautiful peaceful sleep. Soon we shall see you again. Keep all of our loved ones in heaven company and keep my spot up there nice and warm (she used to take my spot on the couch whenever I would get up). You were a good girl and will be forever missed and loved. We love you Pixie.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Krystin
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