by LIZ SPINA.........................................
Hi some may remember my stories about Max who was hit by a truck and the street dog Jill who was shot in cold blood. Well I have has another tradgey. 19 months ago I found 15 puppies in dreadful conditions, I went to feed them every night. After a couple of weeks the smallest one who had already won my heart had gis stomach riped apart. We rushed him to the vets. His condition was so bad that he was 20 minutes from death. He was operated on and suvived, 3 weeks later he contactd Parvo virus, the vet begged me to put him down. I refused. I prayed. He survived. 3 weeks after this he got distemper, again the vet said he would take the decision from me, again i refused and to;d the vet to put him on a drip. Again I prayed. He survived and came home withme. We run a restaurant here in Northern Cyprus, which isunregonized by the rest of the world. There he had his new home. My youngest grandson came for a visit. He is autstic and could not speak, yet he spoke to Blackjack.This little puppy became so much to us, we took him home to the other 2 I had there one a stafford bull terrier and the other a boxer. Both rescue. After a settling in period all was well.Then another was dumped on me so that came home also.All OK. Christmas day 2 stray dogs, which the animal rescue had neutered and put back onto the streets turned up at the restaurant.I feed them to the disgust of my neighbours. The turkisk hate dogs. This caused a great problem and the police were called. They shot Jill and her brother Jack ran away. Luckily I found him and had to keep him hidden. This broke my heart as in all his 8 or 9 months they had been free spirts. Rummaging dustbins, taking beatings etc to survive. It brook my heart. In the end the police were looking for him. The animal resuce wouldnt help me as they said he was not vunerable. I had to walk him in darkness so as not to alert the other shops in the block.Anyway I took him home and he is now settled after 2 traumatic weeks. He is become more alive each day. Then tuesday my lovely Blackjack was poisioned in our own garden. 7pm I feed him and went out to hang out my wahing and let them all run around the garden. BJ was a greedy little thing and I suspect ate all the poisioned meat.He made it to my kitchen door and collasped. We rushed him to the vets and he died in the vets arms.My heart is broken BJ wouldnt hurt a fly. He was a pointer as most of them are here. The kindest dog I have known. Poisioning is rife here already several have been poisioned on the beaches this week. The turkisk cypriots hate dogs as they think they bring rabies. Its a cruel death. Yet the shepards have hundreds of dogs which keep producing puppies to live like this. I think that is more cruel. I asked one why he did not get the mummies done, his reply why would i spoil thier fun. Now as a result we have hundreds roaming the streets for an untimely death. In turn they may attack the sheep hence the need to poision them. In fact they rarely attack livestock and as a result the expats see thier dogs which they have taken in from the streets killed in this awful way. The sale of poision is legal. No trace. The police willnot take action as they are not seen putting it done. Last week 40 dogs were poisioned in just one small area.Mostly in thier own gardens.People now do not want to take in an animal as they know what thier fate will be. In BJs memory I want to try to encorage muzzels, and produce leaflets to explain how to combat this crime against animals. Sadly I have no money. Im not a charity just a soul that has dogs dumped on me day in day out. I have found homes for 20 dogs and 7 cats in one year. So I cant apply for funding. All this is done from my own pension. Feeding and vets bills. Its called love.I want to find a way to stop this cruelty and educate the people. The hunting season will finish here next week and hundreds of pointers will be strung up on trees or let loose on the mountains to fend for themselves. its all so sad. If anyone reads this I ask that you say a prayer for my beautiful Blackjack ( I called him that as I though he was lucky surviving all he did). BJ mummy couldnt save you this time. Im heartbroken. seven o clock you had your dinner nine o clock we buried you.My life will never be the same without you. I loved you , I nursed you back from death so mant times. All I hope is that your time with me was as happy as you made mine with you. I loved you so much and I still do. Mojo, Valentine, Bertie Dylan and Jack are all missing you. Your cheeky ways and your beautiful eyes. Your coat like black velvet. Which I loved to brush. You lit up my life and Im so very proud to have been your mummy. The one you always ran to first even before food. I open the fridge door and expect you to be behind me pinching something. Your good morning kiss. All taken from me.BJ I hope you have found Max and Jill and that you are happy. All I can do is take strenght that we gave you life. My guess out of your 15 brothers , sisters cousins we first saw when you led us to that awful compound you were in you survived the longest. BJ I love you with all of my heart . To see you die but you found your way back to mummy for your last minutes. You are in our hearts. Oliver my grandson will be devasted. When we speak on the phone first thing he asks me grandmama where is BJ. I used to put the phone to your ear. All the love in my heart to you my baby, all the licks, kisses and treats to you. Your body may be buired bur your soul is buired in my heart. I will do what I can for others in your position in your beautiful memory. BJ I love you, I know I told you that every day. Your death wants me to leave here but I cant leave our little family as they will end up the same as you. You were the kindest nature, everybody, customers and friends watched you develope into the handsome boy you became. They all loved your natuew. My darling baby rest in peace, your heart is in mine. I will stop crying as I know you did not like me to cry, you licked my tears dry. Now No tears in heaven. Be good for mummy. kiss Max and Jill for me. I love you so. Be a goodboy darling. I will get a grave on the bridge for you so I can visit you all. Keep your lovely smile and your cheeky little ways. BJ Rest in peace xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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