by Laura .........................................
We are all very sad in our household today. Belle went to
doggie heaven yesterday late in the afternoon. She was on one of her
adventures and got hit by a car. She will be very missed. Belle was
only two years old but she was greatly loved. She leaves behind a very
sad family and a lonely little sister. Pearl(5 month lab) keeps looking for her and trying to figure out where she is. We will alwaysremember Belle and how she brightened each of our days.
The hardest part of all of this was telling our boys. They both are
very sad but know she is now with Bailey(our first dog) and God. I will leave you all with what our 5 year old said last night in his prayers. "God don't forget that Belle has to have 3 scoops of food."
Please remember Belle. I know we all will each and every day!