My Most Precious Gift
by Lauren Gray.........................................
I've not forgotten about you, my precious little friend,
With each day that passes my heart still breaks, I doubt it will fully mend
But in this Christmas season, my thoughts travel back in time
To the years we shared together, brought about by God's design
I know He brought you to me, when my soul cried to be healed
I discovered the joy and comfort you'd bring, his love for me revealed
Through your eyes I saw unconditional love, gifts of spirit so hard to conceive
And from heartache and a tired soul I was given a needed reprieve
When you left me, my Sweet Special one, called back to be with the Lord
Overtime, a hidden gift was found, His love for me underscored
For I saw how precious you truly were, how you reach out to me still
What a gift your life and love were to me, how my heart had been mended and filled
Now when I least expect it, your felt in surprising ways
Sometimes in sights, at times in smells, now and then in another's gaze
Now when I'm missing you most, and wish for your soft gentle touch
I'm reminded we'll be together again, a final gift that means so much
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Lauren Gray
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