by Linda Gamel.........................................
My heart is hurting for two beautiful souls! Last week my bunny, Bun Bun, was attacked by my Uncle's dog, Ginger, and she passed away in my arms. Bun Bun hopped to me off the golf course in February 2013 and after trying to locate her owner for two weeks...she became my charge. We had three wonderful, close months. Each weekend when we visited in the country, we had to closely monitor Ginger around the bunny. Ginger's energy was always at a heightened state and I guess it was only a matter of time before the inevitable. I'd already dealt with my pain of losing Bunny, but I didn't know what was to come the following weekend. My Uncle decided to send Ginger to the Rainbow Bridge due to Bunny's death so now I feel responsible for Ginger's demise. My prayer is for comfort from the pain in my crying heart, and peace for my two beloved souls. RIP my sweethearts.