Mommy's Boy
by Linda Kotlarsic.........................................
Magnum is a beautiful golden retriever, who came into my life, as my angel boy sent from heaven. Magnum loved to go on car trips, play find game and look for treats, lay by the patio screen and look at the animals in our backyard, especially the deer. He has lots and lots of toys, favorites are Tiger, Peewee and Dinosaur Man. Magnum loved people, his tail would wag and wag, then would bark, for someone to come over and pet him. He loved being hugged, brush his golden shinny long hair, play fetch and give kisses. Magnum has the best kisses in the whole world. He loved to go outside, lay in the grass and just breath the fresh air and enjoy the sunshine. I would have to pull him, to get him to come into the house, otherwise he would want to stay outside all day. Just say his name Magnum and you could see his wonderful smile and his ears perking up. People would say he has more things, than a child would have. I would tell them, Magnum was not a spoiled dog. Magnum means everything to me, treated with love, which he returned back to me, by being happy. When Magnum got ill, he stayed as long as he could. I made special meals for him, so he would get nourishment. I never gave up trying, to keep him going and I could tell he was trying too. We spent the last weekend he had with me, laying on the floor in the family room, with all his blankets, toys and pillows. As he laid by the patio doors looking outside, I would talk to him, tell him I was so sorry he was ill, I loved him so much and mommy will always keep him in my heart. Magnum died on Monday, when it was time, I told him it was okay and God did not want him to suffer anymore. I know Magnum is in a peaceful place, where he can run, play games, fetch, lay in the grass and breath again. I will always say a prayer for him, tell him I love and miss him, never forget him and one day we will be together again. No one can ever take his place. I love you baby Magnum with the pretty brown eyes. Mommy
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Linda Kotlarsic
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